“How does Human Intelligence arise?” (Registration required)
Onsite (Cornell Tech in NYC) and Online (Webinar) Event
Wednesday, October 19, 2022, 18pm – 20pm (EDT)
[Thursday, October 20, 2022, 7 am – 9 am (JST)]
The International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN) of the University of Tokyo, a WPI (World Premier International Research Center Program) center, will co-host a hybrid event in New York with the UTokyo NY Office. (The event will be conducted in English). This event is sponsored by JSPS Washington Office.
The theme of the event is “How does Human Intelligence arise?”. IRCN will introduce to the audience findings from the fusion research that IRCN is currently undertaking using its unique approach of combining neuroscience and AI.
IRCN Director and Harvard Medical School Professor Takao Hensch and IRCN principal investigators will deliver lectures and panel discussions and share their findings from their cutting-edge research. For those who participate onsite, there will be additional opportunities to learn more about intelligence and IRCN.
To what extent do we understand human intelligence? Join us as we explore the mysteries surrounding our intelligence.
Please visit the event page to register.
What is IRCN?
IRCN was established in 2017 as a prestigious government-funded World Premier International (WPI) center. IRCN has a 10-year mission: to understand the principles of the developing brain with the ultimate goals of solving mental illness and brain disorders, and developing next-generation artificial intelligence (A.I.) by combining life sciences and information sciences.
IRCN press@ircn.jp
オンサイト(Cornell Tech in NYC)& オンライン(Webinar)開催
10月19日(水) 18時~20時(EDT)
[10月20日(木) 7時~9時(JST)]
東京大学国際高等研究所ニューロインテリジェンス国際研究機構(IRCN)はUTokyo NY Office と共催でハイブリッドイベントを開催します(全て英語で行います)。(後援:JSPSワシントン研究連絡センター)
“How does human intelligence arise?(人の知性はどのようにして生じるか?)” をテーマとし、「脳科学×AI」という切り口で、IRCNが現在取り組んでいる融合研究の一部をニューヨークの会場から全世界にお届けします。
[IRCN は2017 年に文部科学省世界トップレベル研究プログラム(WPI)に採択された国際研究拠点です。脳の発達研究と計算論的科学を融合し、『ヒトの知性の理解』『脳神経回路の障害の克服』『新たなA.I. の開発』に向けて、各国から集まった多様な研究者が研究を進めています。]
- 投稿タグ
- FY2022