International Fellowships for Research in Japan

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  • International Fellowships for Research in Japan

JSPS carries out programs that provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct collaborative research, discussions, and opinion exchanges with researchers in Japan.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

Summer Program

  • Young pre-/post-doctoral researchers
  • From France, Germany, Sweden, the UK, the US and Canada
  • Period of 2 months during the summer
  • To pursue research under the guidance of host researchers in universities and research institutions in Japan.
    • Maintenance allowance  (¥534,000)
    • Round-trip air ticket
    • Overseas travel insurance
    • Research support allowance (Option)

Short-term Program

  • Pre-/post-doctoral researchers
  • From the US, Canada and Europe
  • Period of 1 to 12 month(s)
  • To conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions.
    • A round-trip air ticket (based on JSPS’s regulations)
    • Maintenance Allowance
      (a) For Ph.D. holders: JPY 362,000 per month
      (b) For non-Ph.D. holders at the time research starts in Japan: JPY 200,000 per month
    • A settling-in allowance of JPY 200,000 (only applicable for Fellows with 3 or more months of tenure)
    • Overseas travel insurance coverage, etc.
    • [Note] For the candidate (invited overeas researcher) who has been living in Japan (and has a mailing address) before the fellowship starting date, the “airfare” of outbound and a “settling-in allowance” will not be paid.
    • A research support allowance is available to cover cooperative research-related expenses. Application is made by the applicant (host resarcher) through their institution.

Standard Program

  • Post-doctoral researchers
  • Be a citizen of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (Taiwan and Palestine are treated in this manner) 
  • Period of 12 to 24 months
  • To provide opportunities for postdoctoral researchers from other countries to conduct, under the guidance of their hosts, cooperative research with leading research groups in universities and other Japanese institutions.
    • A round-trip air ticket (based on JSPS’s regulations. See the “Program Guidelines”. )
    • Maintenance Allowance: ¥362,000 per month
    • A settling-in allowance of ¥200,000
    • Overseas travel insurance, etc.
    • [Note]For the candidate (invited overeas researcher) who has been living in Japan (and has a mailing address) before the fellowship starting date, the “airfare” of outbound and a “settling-in allowance” will not be paid.
    • A Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellow) is available to cover cooperative research-related expenses. Application for these grants is made by the applicant (host resarcher) through their institution.

Invitational Fellowships (for mid-career to professor)


  • Be a citizen or permanent resident of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (Taiwan and Palestine are treated in this manner) 
    Persons of Japanese nationality are eligible to apply if they have resided at the time of application in a foreign country for 10 years or longer and are judged at a host research institution to have played an active role in that country’s scientific community. 
  • Period of 2 to 10 months
  • To provide opportunities for overseas researchers with excellent records of research achievements to conduct collaborative research with Japanese colleagues through long-term visits.
    • A round-trip air ticket (economy-class) (based on JSPS’s regulations)
    • Maintenance Allowance ¥387,600 per month
    • Overseas travel insurance
    • Research support allowance: Up to ¥150,000 (Application is made by the applicant
      (host researcher) through their institution.)


  • Be a citizen or permanent resident of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan (Taiwan and Palestine are treated in this manner)
    Persons of Japanese nationality are eligible to apply if they have resided at the time of application in a foreign country for 10 years or longer and are judged at a host research institution to have played an active role in that country’s scientific community.
  • Period of 14 to 60 days
  • To provide opportunities for overseas researchers with excellent records of research achievements to visit Japan short-term for discussions, opinion exchanges, lectures, and other activities.
    • A round-trip air ticket (economy-class) (based on JSPS’s regulations)
    • Maintenance Allowance ¥18,000 per day
    • Overseas travel insurance
    • Research support allowance: Up to ¥150,000 (Application is made by the applicant
      (host researcher) through their institution.)

To find your host researcher / institution in Japan

Voice of a Former Fellow

JSPS Tokyo HQ website

JSPS Tokyo HQ website

US and Canada JSPS Alumni Association

US and Canada JSPS Alumni Association website


Global Researcher Network

United Japanese researchers Around the world

United Japanese researchers Around the world website

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